If your profile information has changed, please update the necessary details below and submit the form, then scan the Paypal QR code below and pay your dues using the following steps.
    If unchanged, you may skip all but the name portion of the form and go to the bottom and directly scan the QR code

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)





    Home Phone

    Work Phone

    Cell Phone

    Birthday mm/dd

    Spouse/Significant Other Name

    Spouse/Significant Other Birthday mm/dd

    Spouse/Significant Other's Email Address

    Corvette Year

    Body Style



    Second Corvette Year

    Body Style



    Special Interests

    • If your profile information has changed, please be sure to update the necessary details above and submit the form, then scan the Paypal QR code below and pay your dues using the following steps.
      • Enter $35 for the amount.
      • Enter “Dues Renewal” in the “Add a note” field.
      • Review and send.

    Payment by check payable to CCND can be mailed to:


    210 Tinsley Ct

    Newark, DE 19702

    Payment by cash to Neil Smith, Bruce Yearsley or Mike Metcalf can be made at a club function.